Sunday 14 January 2007

second attempt

hi every one.

i am confused and perplexed.

kenyan chick, if you have already seen my first ever post, please dont ask. when i figure this blog thing out i promise, i will attempt an explanation...attempt.


Kenyanchick said...

Yeah, YEAH!!! I knew you'd cross over to the Dark Side!

You'll be fine. I'm right here...

Kenyanchick said...

Hey! Where's my post??

I'm going to harass you indefinitely...

cromagnon said...

'I'll be fine'? 'You're right here'? Sista, these words do not reassure me - I done seen what your mind can do!!I most definitely will not be fine! I will laugh a lot and I will shriek in recognition of a truly (but nicely) demented soul - but I will never be fine again. I have truly crossed over to the dark side...."wheeeeze.....,join me cromagnon....., I am your fairy godmother....,wheeeeze....together we can......." You see, it has begun alredy! Help.

Kenyanchick said...


Heh heh.

Ahll be back...

Kenyanchick said...

Yup. Still me.

Sorry, of course I meant, "Yurp" it's still me.

I demand a new post.

Kenyanchick said...

La la la la la.

Still waiting.

(Whistles, settles in. Waits.)

Kenyanchick said...

I can't think of a rude comment. Can you imagine? I think I've lost my mind.

But I do have a question:

Whose cruel idea was it for the word “Lisp” to have a “S” in it?